The problem of infertility is widespread and it affects men and women of reproductive age everywhere in the world. Recent studies show that although estimates of its prevalence are not precise and vary from region to region, about 8% of couples experience some form of infertility problem during their reproductive lives. When extrapolated to the global population, this means that 50-80 million people probably have a problem with fertility, a condition that causes personal suffering and disruption to social and family life. In Africa, as in many other places in the world, infertility is generally considered a huge problem by the persons involved. The incidence varies enormously in each region. (Garrets, 2009) in his studies in Africa and Asia, reported that percentages of primary and secondary infertility vary from 0.7-22.8% to 2-12% respectively. In general it can be said that the exact magnitude and importance of infertility as a public health problem in Africa is largely poorly understood or even unknown. However, the experience of many Gynecologists in Africa shows that 50-60% of their consultation time is taken by patients complaining of infertility, and in most referral hospitals there are long waiting lists for investigative and/or treatment procedures such as Hysterosalpingography, Laparoscopy, Semen analysis and Tubal surgery.
Erickson and Brunette estimated in 2006 that National infertility prevalence in Kenya to be around 11.9 %.This is by no means a small number of people. At national level, Kenya has adopted a reproductive health strategy to guide the implementation of reproductive health program.
However, despite of all the measures, much has not been achieved in solving the challenge of infertility. Quite a number of individuals facing the challenge of reproductive health have not been informed sufficiently on the availability of infertility treatment. The level of awareness with regard to infertility treatment is relatively low, an effective and efficient platform for information sharing on the condition of infertility lacks. Many persons suffering from this condition are not fully aware of the existence of infertility treatment.
After examining all the strategies that have been implemented before on infertility treatment, very few have adequately concentrated on mobilizing and sensitizing locals through avenues like churches and other social set up. Therefore, the proposed monthly meetings will provide an opportunity to engage in information sharing and awareness creation. Furthermore, the initiative will go a long way to give hope and to provide a chance of parenthood to all. There is indeed a need to bridge this gap by conducting monthly fertility meetings as well as renting out a space during the meeting for infertility treatment exhibition.